Fire department training at Apex!  Yes!  We love being able to support our local department as we are committed to giving back to our community in many unique ways. Many of the Apex team members live within the same community as Apex. One of our team members, TJ Tygesen, is a volunteer firefighter with our local fire department. TJ asked if it would be okay to use the Apex facility for a brief training exercise and tour. Our owners thought this was an excellent idea! The training was designed to show off the various types of equipment typically found in a manufacturing setting. This allowed the fire department members to familiarize themselves with the equipment in case they ever needed to respond to any one of the various manufacturing facilities in their response area.

The training session included the Wright-Tallmadge Fire Department stretching various uncharged hoses lines into the building. This simulation was designed to show how many feet of hose might be required to fight a fire inside of a large manufacturing facility such as ours. All of the firefighters enjoyed the tour and felt better equipped to handle emergencies in their response area.  They were especially thankful to try out the Apex Frozen Yogurt machine after a long night of training.

Thank you Wright-Tallmadge Fire Department for all you do in keeping our community safe!

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Spring Clarification: What Pitch?

Spring Clarification: What Pitch?

Although the design and engineering of a compression spring may seem to be a simple process, there are multiple factors that have to be considered. Each element has to be carefully considered to ensure the successful performance of a compression spring. Of the various factors, pitch is carefully examined especially during the manufacturing phase since the coiling of the wire can create variations in the pitch.

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