The entire Apex team works hard to build meaningful relationships with everyone we have the privilege of working with.  This includes all our partners who trust us to manufacture components.  One of those long time partners is ADAC Automotive in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  Recently, we attended the second annual ADAC Automotive partner event.  At the event ADAC recognized several partners with awards in a variety of categories.  Apex was the proud recipient of the 2023 Collaboration Award!

This award is given to a service provider that has demonstrated strong commitment to partnership and focus on delivering value ‘above and beyond’ expectations.  Apex was chosen for this award for doing just that!

At the ceremony the ADAC team shared the following..

Tom Little led an ADAC Lunch & Learn on Fundamental Spring Design and Design for Manufacturing which was geared toward ADAC Product and Design Engineers.  Also, Apex is unique in creating engineering drawings using ADAC title block that are released into ADAC’s drawing control system.  This is a time saver for ADAC Product and Design Engineers.  Also, in February of 2024 Apex invited ADAC team members to Apex’s Grand Rapids factory.  The ADAC team reviewed sorting automation and Apex’s solar array that powers one of their facilities. Apex assists with the design of parts, develops prints, and are willing to help us with innovations.   They have supported 43 total parts in the past 5 years, resulting in approximately $7.5K of savings (126 hours).

Thank you ADAC for this award and thank you for your continued partnership!

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Image of Tom and Dennis of Apex with two ADAC receiving a collaboration award from two employees from ADAC.

Tom Little (Engineering) and Dennis Bhaskaran (CEO) receive the ADAC Collaboration Award at the 2024 ADAC Partner Event.

Image of the 2024 ADAC Collaboration Award sitting on a table after being giving to the Apex team.

Close Up Image of the ADAC Collaboration Award after being given to Apex.


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