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Compression Limiters At Apex

Compression Limiters At Apex

Compression limiters can be designed in many different ways completely depending on the application.  Our team is experienced and skilled to help our customers determine the best solution for their application. 

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We Engineer @ Apex!

We Engineer @ Apex!

You have many choices for engineering support. Did you know that includes Apex? We have robust in-house engineering capabilities with a team that boasts years of experience and knowledge. That includes a deep understanding of what it takes to move a project into production.

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Entangled Parts: What a Mess!

Entangled Parts: What a Mess!

Many springs will tangle on their own.  But with our experience we can assist with design and guide you through the process to give you the best options for manufacturing, materials, and processes. We have looked at millions of parts just like yours.  Let us help you get, untangled!

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Local Manufacturers Are The Best Choice

Local Manufacturers Are The Best Choice

There is no doubt that working local businesses has benefits in every industry. But what about manufacturing? Well, there are great benefits to working locally in manufacturing. We’d like to dig into those benefits so you can continue to make informed decisions for your business.

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Diving into Precision Wire Forms

Diving into Precision Wire Forms

Apex takes great care in manufacturing a wide variety of wire form products. Designed and manufactured fully customized for your application, you can trust in our knowledge and experience to produce a product of the highest quality. And, we work hard to build a solid relationship along the way.


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Spring Clarification: What Pitch?

Spring Clarification: What Pitch?

Although the design and engineering of a compression spring may seem to be a simple process, there are multiple factors that have to be considered. Each element has to be carefully considered to ensure the successful performance of a compression spring. Of the various factors, pitch is carefully examined especially during the manufacturing phase since the coiling of the wire can create variations in the pitch.

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Apex Receives 2024 Steelcase Premier Supplier Award

Apex Receives 2024 Steelcase Premier Supplier Award

We are proud to announce that again this year, Apex Spring and Stamping has again been awarded the 2024 Premier Supplier Award from Steelcase.

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The Benefits of Prototyping At Apex

The Benefits of Prototyping At Apex

There are many reasons to consider a prototype before diving into the manufacturing process. At Apex we’ve been providing prototypes to our customers for years and have firsthand experience of the advantages.

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Three Reasons to Outsource Assembly

Three Reasons to Outsource Assembly

Did you know you can outsource assembly to Apex? Our assembly facility features many processes, capabilities, and an experienced staff.

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FAQ’s About Metal Stamping

FAQ’s About Metal Stamping

With a wide range of capabilities, machines, materials used, etc., it leaves lots of room for questions.  Therefore, we put together some of our most frequently asked questions about metal stamping here at Apex.

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