Apex Spring and Stamping has been blessed to provide quality manufacturing since 1977.  We understand this history is representative of the hard work and dedication of every Apex employee and partner, past and present.  The Apex name is just one facet of that story.

We are occasionally asked “Where did the name ‘Apex’ come from?”  And while it’s common for us to mention our mission statement or vision, oftentimes the story behind how a brand got its name and the “why” can get lost in the excitement of sharing where the company wants to go.  So, we wanted to share it here!

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The Vision and The Plan

In 77, Wayne L. Nash started his journey building the company. But, establishing a manufacturing company from the ground up in the 70’s was risky. The industry was extremely competitive in West Michigan and it was common that the “little guy” would not survive.

As Mr. Nash started to lay the groundwork for the business, he understood that a name was not just a name; it was foundational to the “why” the company functions the way it does.

Simon Sinek talks about “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” and it revolves around the idea that in order to inspire action within your organization, it is vital to talk about the “why” you do what you do. It’s the center point of what he calls the “Golden Circle”. Although this language and information was not around in 1977, it was a concept that Mr. Nash understood. He was passionate about finding a name that clearly represented the type of company he wanted to create.

He decided to use the name “APEX”. By definition, ‘apex’ means “the uppermost degree” or the “most successful, highest level”.  Mr. Nash wanted this to be the mentality that would drive the company forward.

Before the doors of Apex’s first facility even opened for business, the goal was to be the best. No matter how competitive the manufacturing industry was, to be successful our name was going to reflect our actions.

How Can We Help?

The story of Apex has written many chapters since 1977. It’s a long time to maintain and live out the definition of “Apex”, but we know that the best is yet to come. We are still committed to always improving, never growing complacent, and delivering exceptional value and service to every customer.

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