The Covid-19 pandemic had an effect on so many aspects of the world, and that includes manufacturing.  At that time, supply chains have been both temporarily and permanently disrupted. Sourcing supplies locally became a invaluable benefit.  Thankfully Apex does this well, and was able to handle the challenges smoothly.

Apex Spring & Stamping does not involve endless searches, pivots, or jumping through hoops to maintain its supply chain. We choose supply chains that we can trust and deliver on time with the quality we expect. We look for sourcing that matches Apex’s philosophy of providing our customers with exceptional products and outstanding care. With the exception of some rare metals only available overseas, Apex has consistently preferred to source locally. It’s a strategy that has served us well in the past and during this “new normal.” These benefits include:

  • Lower freight costs
  • Ability to launch new parts faster
  • Greater overall control
  • Increased “face to face” relationships to better understand our customer’s needs
  • Shorter lead times for our customers
  • More flexibility due to better delivery schedules
  • Good for the local community
  • Helps the environment

The above benefits help our customers meet their customer’s growing needs. While we continue to strive to find competitive pricing, we are never willing to sacrifice the quality and service our customers expect with every order.


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